they sentenced me to twenty years of boredom

I have spent a satisfyingly boring day translating, reading the paper, loafing, eating far too many dates, and best of all not working or studying. Today was boring, but I wasn’t bored. Boredom isn’t always a bad thing. I’m not sure what they were doing upstairs earlier, but everything was vibrating. Apart from that it has been peaceful here, and I haven’t spoken a word to anyone, apart from the dog and the cat.

The Guardian was good today. There was a little book of Leonard Cohen lyrics, including one of the coolest songs of all time, First We Take Manhattan. There was also an article about Vilhelm Hammershøi in the review, including a big print of a painting I like, called Open Doors. I like this painting because it reminds me of a house my best friend used to rent in Cornwall, where we spent many a night together bending space and time, back when life was still interesting. The painting also reminds me of Twin Peaks. I might have to cut it out and stick it up on my wall.

I did the Sudoku, and also the whole of the Quick Crossword apart from one word: ‘Test metal for quality (5)’. The letters and spaces I have are A_S_E. If anyone can help, I would be most grateful.

I had a corn on the cob plus a jacket potato with falafel and hummus for tea tonight. Other than that, I don’t think anything exciting has happened. Oh, I have heard that someone found the copy of The Communist Manifesto I left on the train to work yesterday. They seem to have read it already and liked it better than I did.

The dog doesn’t want to go for a walk today. His legs are sore, I think. He has started chewing his right wrist again. He is upside down with his feet in the air at the moment, snoring his head off. The cat has finally left the building.

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